Saturday, December 5, 2015

Playa ettiquette: how to behave

From The Black Rock Beacon, August 2012

By Reecy Pontiff

You made it to Burning Man. Information on what to bring is now irrelevant--you're stuck with those broken tent poles and SOL if you forgot your electric pink onesie--but now that you're here, let us offer some helpful hints for virgin and jaded veteran alike.

Err on the side of yes
Black Rock City is nothing but one opportunuity after the next; let your instincts be your guide. You're sure to hit a few hard limits, some of which you didn't even know you had. But when you find yourself pondering the pros and cons of accepting an adventure presented to you, push through that doubt and just say yes.

Concentrate on this year
We know that after mere hours here in BRC the words "next year" will leave your mouth. The city is full of wonders and expereineces sure to get your creative juices flowing, but be sure to appreacite the moment instead of planning for the future.

Biking through sand: ride faster!
It sounds counter-intuitive, but when you can't avoid that pile of sand on the playa, get up some speed and centripetal force will be on your side.

Practice personal possession bondage
If it's not attached to you, it's lost. Carabiners are your friend.

Set up two meeting times
With all the shiny, blinky wonders to behold in BRC, it's best to leave yourself an hour minimum--though two or three might be more realistic--to get anywhere in the city. To ensure you're able to meet up with your friends and lovers, try setting up two meeting times a couple of hours apart in different places in case distraction, dehydration, or dancing leaves you unable to make that first date.